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Staples - Delivering accurate product availability and order delivery information to customers with low latency and high throughput

Office supply retailer Staples wanted to provide customers with a responsive and consistent ordering experience across channels. The company implemented a centralized inventory microservice using Couchbase’s memory-first architecture to provide inventory availability and order delivery information with low latency, low SLA violation, and high throughput. Regardless of which channel customers purchase from, they receive consistent, accurate information in real time at checkout. This positive user experience is driving traffic, customer retention, and acquisition.


About Staples


    • Provide customers with consistent, accurate inventory availability and order delivery information across the direct and indirect sales channels
    • Deliver a responsive customer experience by presenting results on all ordering channels with low latency, low SLA violation, and high throughput
    • Build an enterprise-grade visibility service that serves as a single source of truth for inventory availability and order delivery promise


    • Provided customers with real-time visibility into product availability and delivery estimates, consistent and accurate across all ordering channels
    • Increased customer retention, acquisition, and traffic by creating convenient and frictionless omnichannel experiences
    • Set the path for expanding a similar customer experience to the ordering channels of other business units of Staples, Inc.
With Couchbase we can rapidly retrieve data, enabling us to provide the most up-to-date information to our customers.

Pavan Kumar Manager, Software Engineering & Architecture, Staples, Inc.

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  • Product catalog and pricing
  • Shopping cart
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